The Retreat Program
Call +44(0)1562 702723
For the treatment of anxiety disorders including, GAD, eating disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, self-harm, health anxiety, OCD, PTSD, Pure O and more.
What do you receive?
4 Days (3 Nights) in our Retreat venue for you and/or a friend/family member (Small supplement for children's food)
All meals and refreshments (other family members may, at times, need to order additional drinks. Alcohol not provided)
Anxiety recovery coaching sessions
The Fast Track to Recovery session - direct advice about how to recover fast and permanently
Constant guidance by the team
Sessions covering anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia, OCD, Pure O, derealization/depersonalization recovery
Sessions with our breathing, posture and nutrition specialists
Your partner/family member can receive a 'Partners Session' with Beth & Jenny Brookes (if the client wishes)
Snacks and fruit throughout the course
The Full online program in advance
Constant guidance and reassurance from our staff
Constant 24 hour attendance by our Retreat Host Jackie Anderson
Unlimited support from our qualified staff after you leave
Unlike the Workshop program, the Retreat program immerses you in anxiety recovery.
You will be accompanied by fellow sufferers who, during the 4 days, travel the journey to recovery with you and as the program progresses, the momentum builds and it soon becomes apparent that it is possible to be cured... and fast!
The Retreat is the ultimate in anxiety recovery treatment and your recovery is the focus of every specialist at The Linden Centre.
You will be nurtured through the process, which is SO simple and at the end of it, you'll know exactly what to do to continue, expedite and seal your permanent recovery.
It's so exciting and unexpectedly, so much fun.
The Recovery Specialists will walk you through the steps of recovery as he has done many times before with tens of thousands of sufferers around the world; but, this time, he will be there in person to make sure that the process really happens.
Our program works because it creates the changes made in the subconscious mind that have to be made in order to experience recovery.
There is only one cause of anxiety conditions in humans and therefore, only one cure; and it's the exact same process that every recovered sufferer has had to follow... there is no other solution. All we do is show you how you can, in effect, 'short cut' that process.
Over the last 24 years, we have shown well over 510,000 clients worldwide how to recover completely with permanent results; How to become anxiety free in days.
During the program, retreat psychologist Jenny Saunders MSc, TLM Specialists and Retreat Host Jackie Anderson, will provide you with every comfort.
Jackie will be available at all times and as an ex sufferer, she knows how you are feeling and what you need to maximise your experience at the retreat.
"For many years now, I have been dreaming of creating a programme of recovery for sufferers which would provide a short, simple, but powerful, curative process. Exactly what I didn't get when I needed it!
When I see clients face to face, they usually experience a profound shift in their anxiety levels, often leaving feeling anxiety free or at least, well on the way to full recovery.
I have often thought about the dramatic turn around we could provide if we could have access to sufferers for a longer period of time in a gentle but seamless program of recovery that ensures dramatic results... it was a dream but, my dream has come true in the form of this retreat."
The Program now features Charles' 'Fast Track to Recovery' Session
Anxiety specialists will be available throughout the program should anyone wish to ask questions at any time. Time is always made for delicate issues to be addressed in private.
Other specialists, who will contribute to the retreat program, will also be available throughout the day to attend to any specific questions.
The Science
This process works because it removes those changes in the subconscious mind, through simple techniques, that caused your anxiety condition to develop.
There are no drugs, no hypnosis or invasive treatments involved, just simple to implement routines that work every single time, without exception.
Children from age 7 have done this program with ease.
We receive 1000's of endorsements and testimonials for our programs, but what the team has always strived for is recognition for developing a new branch of anxiety disorder therapy and since 1997 we have created and delivered the most simple and effective anxiety treatment available.
Our exit survey during our programs rate immediate benefits at above 95% consistently, so we know that we 'hit the mark' every time.
"Beth, You have been sooooo great!
My life has done a 180 since I started your method!"
The Programme Structure
The Anxiety Retreat programme runs from Tuesday, when you will be greeted by Programme Coordinator Jackie Anderson, through to Friday afternoon when you will have the opportunity to ask final questions before leaving for home.
During the four days, you will attend workshops, one-to-one sessions and presentations; you will also receive spa treatments, exercise and dietary guidance and other supported guidance, to maximise your curative experience and expedite your recovery.
A lot can be achieved in just three days, in fact, with one to one treatment has shown many times, that total anxiety recovery is achievable and many Retreat guests have been cured within the three days.
You will NEVER be asked to do anything that causes you to become more anxious and you will be able to withdraw and seek qualified advice at any time during the retreat, presentations, workshops or any activities.
These three days will be the best investment you have ever made in yourself.
Support & Guidance At All Times
Your recovery is vitally important to us and we will do everything we can to support you and guide your compliance to maximise the results you experience.
Our staff, Beth and Jackie Anderson will be constantly to hand to guide, reassure and support you when it is appropriate.
You will receive unlimited telephone and email support and guidance after the Retreat has ended at no extra cost. We will always be there for you should you need us in the future.
You will be guided and nurtured to recovery.